Talking About Online Safety with Kids is More Important Than Ever!

Image of someone using the internet

In today’s digital age, our children are growing up with the internet as an integral part of their lives. From social media and gaming to online learning and browsing, the online world offers incredible opportunities but also comes with significant risks. However, many parents and teachers may not realise just how crucial it is to have regular conversations about online safety with young people.

Ignoring the importance of online safety can leave children vulnerable to cyberbullying, inappropriate content, privacy breaches, and even predators. By starting these essential conversations early, we can equip our kids with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the digital world confidently and responsibly.

In this blog post, we will offer some discussion questions to spark conversation around the topic of online safety for children, tailored for teachers and parents.

Image to represent online Safety

General Awareness:

  • What are your biggest concerns regarding safety online?
  • How do you define online safety for children?

Understanding Risks:

  • What are some of the most common online risks that children face today?
  • Can you share any personal experiences or stories related to children encountering online dangers?

Education and Awareness:

  • How can we effectively educate children about online safety?
  • What age-appropriate resources or tools have you found useful in teaching kids about online safety?

Parental Controls and Monitoring:

  • What parental control tools or software do you recommend/use for monitoring children’s online activity?
  • How do you balance monitoring your child’s online activity with respecting their privacy?

Social Media and Communication:

  • What guidelines do you set for your children regarding social media use?
  • How do you address the topic of online strangers and the potential dangers of online communication?


  • How do you identify signs of cyberbullying, and what steps can you take to address it?
  • What strategies can we use to empower children to stand up against cyberbullying?

Screen Time Management:

  • How do you manage and limit your child’s screen time?
  • What activities do you encourage to reduce the time spent online?

Safe Online Behaviour:

  • What are some key rules you have set for your children to follow when they are online?
  • How do you teach children to create strong passwords and understand the importance of keeping personal information private?

Collaboration Between Teachers and Parents:

  • How can teachers and parents work together to ensure children’s online safety?
  • What role do schools play in educating students about online safety, and how can this be supported at home?

Emerging Trends and Technologies:

  • What new online safety challenges do you foresee with emerging technologies like AI and virtual reality?
  • How can we stay informed about the latest online safety practices and threats?


Our final thoughts, as we delve into these discussions, it’s essential to supplement them with relevant resources.

Incorporating such books into children’s reading materials can significantly contribute to their understanding of online safety and equip them with the tools to make informed decisions online. Let’s take proactive steps to ensure our children’s safety and well-being in the digital age.

For more on internet safety head here