Meet the author. Beverly Clarke MBE, is an award winning woman working in Education and Tech. Born in South America, she did not see a computer until she was twelve, but once she did, she embraced computing and technology and has always been fascinated by the impact that tech has on society.
As a child she was an avid reader, enjoying adventure stories such as Asterix, Tintin, Nancy Drew, Hardy boys, Enid Blyton and many more stories!
She is an education consultant, working in computing education, coach and mentor. Beverly is also a former teacher. Beverly regularly writes for adults on different aspects of computing education.
The Digital Adventures of Ava and Chip is her childrens book series with the aim of helping to “make kids smarter” through developing technological literacy, in understanding how technology is impacting upon their lives in an easy-to-understand way. Beverly feels books on technology are must haves for every home book-shelf and every school reading list, and that through an understanding of our fast-changing world we will all have brighter futures.