Talking to Your Kids About Self-Driving Technologies: A Parent’s Guide

Self-driving cars are no longer just a concept from science fiction; they’re becoming a reality. As these vehicles start appearing on our roads, it’s natural for curious young minds to have questions. How do these cars work? Are they safe? What does this mean for the future? As a parent, you play a crucial role in helping your children understand and process new technologies like self-driving cars. Here’s how you can talk to your kids about self-driving technologies in a way that’s both informative and engaging.

Understanding Self-Driving Technology

Self-driving cars, also known as autonomous vehicles, are cars that can drive themselves without a human driver. They use a combination of sensors, cameras, radar, and artificial intelligence (AI) to understand their surroundings, make decisions, and navigate roads safely. Imagine a car that can “see” what’s around it, “think” about what to do next, and then “act” by steering, braking, or accelerating—all on its own!

Book 2 in the Digital Adventures of Ava and Chip book series. Self-driving car

Introduce the Concept with a Fun and Educational Book

A great way to introduce the concept of self-driving cars to your child is through storytelling. The “Digital Adventures of Ava and Chip: Self-Driving Car” is an excellent resource that can help children aged 7-11 understand how these vehicles work, all while engaging their imagination. This book follows the adventures of Ava and Chip as they explore the world of autonomous vehicles, making it a perfect blend of entertainment and education.

Reading this book together not only offers an opportunity for quality time but also provides a natural link into deeper discussions about the technology. As your child follows Ava and Chip’s journey, they’ll gain a foundational understanding of how self-driving cars operate, which will make the more technical aspects easier to grasp.

The Benefits of Self-Driving Cars

When discussing self-driving cars with your child, it’s important to highlight the potential benefits, but also to balance this with an awareness of the challenges. Here are some benefits you can explain:

  1. Safety Improvements: Self-driving cars are designed to reduce the number of accidents on the road. Since they don’t get tired or distracted like human drivers, they can make driving safer for everyone.
  2. Convenience: Imagine not having to worry about driving in traffic or finding a parking spot. Self-driving cars could take you where you need to go, allowing you to relax, read, or even play games during the ride.
  3. Accessibility: Autonomous vehicles could be a game-changer for people who cannot drive, such as the elderly or those with disabilities. They can provide independence and make it easier for everyone to get around.
  4. Environmental Impact: Self-driving cars can be more efficient than traditional cars, potentially leading to less fuel consumption and lower emissions. This could help protect the environment.
  5. Endless Work Hours: Self-driving cars can operate around the clock without getting tired. However, they do need to recharge and have their tyres changed, much like our electronic devices need to be recharged. Is this progress? Discuss this with your child and ask what they think about a car that never needs a break.
Beverly Clarke MBE entering a Waymo Self Driving Car in San Francisco

The Challenges of Self-Driving Cars

While self-driving cars offer many potential benefits, they also come with challenges and uncertainties. It’s important to discuss these with your child to give them a balanced view:

  1. Job Losses: Many people work as drivers—like taxi drivers, truck drivers, and bus drivers. If cars can drive themselves, some of these jobs might disappear. This is something society will need to think about.
  2. Technology Dependence: Self-driving cars rely heavily on technology. What happens if the system fails or is hacked? These are real concerns that engineers and scientists are working hard to solve.
  3. Cost: Is a real consideration and may impact on some households.  Especially as currently interacting with these cars also requires access to a device (mobile phone) to utilise the service.   It may take some time before they become affordable for everyone.
  4. Ethical Dilemmas: Autonomous vehicles might face tough decisions on the road, like choosing between hitting a squirrel or swerving into a ditch. How should a car make those decisions? These are ethical questions that are still being debated.


Questions to Ask Your Child

To help your child think critically about self-driving technologies, here are some questions you can ask them:

  1. “What do you think it would be like to ride in a car that drives itself?”
    This question encourages your child to imagine the experience and express their feelings about the idea.
  2. “How do you think a self-driving car knows where to go and what to do?”
    This prompts them to think about the technology behind autonomous vehicles, such as sensors and AI.
  3. “What do you think would be the best part of riding in a self-driving car? What about the scariest part?”
    This helps your child weigh the pros and cons, considering both the exciting possibilities and potential concerns.
  4. “Do you think self-driving cars should be allowed on all roads, or just some? Why?”
    This question encourages your child to think about safety and where this technology might be most appropriate.
  5. “How do you think self-driving cars might change the way we live in the future?”
    This opens up a broader discussion about the impact of technology on daily life, work, and the environment.
  6. “If you could design a self-driving car, what special features would you include?”
    This is a fun, creative question that allows your child to engage with the concept and think about how technology can be personalized.

How to Approach the Conversation

When talking to your child about self-driving cars, keep the conversation light and engaging. Here are some tips to help guide the discussion:

  • Start with What They Know: Begin by asking your child if they’ve heard of self-driving cars before. This helps you gauge their current understanding and build on it.
  • Use Simple Language: Explain concepts in a way that’s easy to understand. For example, you can compare the car’s sensors to a person’s eyes and ears.
  • Be Honest About the Unknowns: It’s okay to admit that we don’t have all the answers yet. Technology is always evolving, and it’s important for kids to know that some things are still being figured out.
  • Encourage Curiosity: Let your child ask questions, and explore the answers together. This not only makes the conversation more interactive but also fosters a sense of wonder and excitement about learning.
  • Reinforce Critical Thinking: Remind your child that while technology can bring amazing benefits, it’s also important to think critically about how we use it. This mindset will serve them well as they encounter new technologies in the future.

Overall, Self-driving cars are an exciting and rapidly developing technology that will likely play a big role in the future of transportation. By talking to your child about the benefits and challenges of autonomous vehicles, you can help them understand the world they’re growing up in and prepare them to navigate it thoughtfully.

If you haven’t already done so, a great way to continue this learning journey is by reading our book “The Digital Adventures of Ava and Chip: Self-Driving Car” together. This book can spark conversations, answer questions, and inspire your child’s curiosity about how technology works and its role in our future. Encourage their curiosity, answer their questions, and most importantly, enjoy the journey of learning together.