Beverly Clarke would be delighted to attend your event, currently she is available for school author visits with a STEM education focus, STEM career talks, female role model, women in technology and aspiring author talks.

Author Visits
Key Stage 2 (years 5 and 6) – In person
A session will cover:
- Talking about my inspiration and my childhood books
- Talking about tech that the children use
- A magic related demo activity with giant playing cards that helps children to think about computational thinking
- Reading 2 books from the series to the class
- Answering questions about the books
- Signing copies of the books
- Schools are welcome to take photos (I kindly request sessions are not recorded)
- Up to 35 children for each session – I can do 2 * 45 min sessions in a day
- Please invite the local press – I am happy to do a short interview with the local press
- Please feature the visit in the schools newsletter/website
- Please add the books to your schools recommended reading list
If a virtual visit if required, please contact me for details
Career Talks
Key stage 3, 4 and 5 + University
A choice of two talks which can be delivered either in person or online
- Talk 1 – Inspirational Career Tech Talk – my career and why get involved in tech
- Talk 2 – Inspirational Career Tech Talk – my career, the impact of tech on self, community and society
Talk Detail: (25 minutes)
- Answering audience questions – some pre-planned and others asked on the day
- You are welcome to take photos (I kindly request sessions are not recorded)
- Up to 100 attendees for each session (in person)
- Please invite the local press and I am happy to do a short interview with the local press (in person)
- Please feature the visit in your organisations newsletter/on the website
- Session details – 45 minutes to include 25 minute talk, questions and photos
Beverly is also a Patron of Reading.